Platform in a mosque, placed next to the mihrab. The minbar is used during the khutba, the Friday sermon, and the khatib (the person performing the Friday sermon) ascends it.
At the midpoint of the wall facing Qibla is a niche or recess that constitutes the central and sometimes most decorated feature of any mosque, known as the mihrab. The mihrab is not considered to be a sacred element of the mosque. Rather, it prescribes the sacred direction for prayer to Makkah. When in prayer, Muslims will form row upon row, each parallel to, and facing the qibla wall.
Within the prayer hall, one wall must face the Masjid al-Haram in Makkah, the direction in which Muslims should face in order to perform salat (called Qibla). This wall is the direction of the Qibla.
Ablution Area
Area where Muslims perform their wudu (ablution) before commencing salat (prayer). Salat is not accepted without wudu.
Tall tower, near to, or built into, a mosque, where the Muadhin (person who calls people to prayer) goes up to stand in a high place for everyone to be able to hear when the adhan (call to prayer) is being called. The earliest mosques were built without minarets, and the action of adhan could be performed in many other locations.
Clean (commonly carpeted) area within a mosque where Muslims pray in congregation.
Imam's Quarters
The Imam of a Mosque traditionally lives in a purposely built home adjacent or close to the mosque. Thus, known as the Imam's Quarters.
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