Bismillah is part of muslim's everyday life. Muslim is suposed to start everything he does by pronouncing bismillah.
Bismillah is on the beginning of all quranic surahs except surah Tawbah.
For I couldn't find a list of bismillah translations to european languages, I' ll try to make one. If something is incorrect, please comment on it so I change it.
Here is the first version:
English: In the name of God, most Gracious, most Compassionate
French: Au nom de Dieu, le Clément, le Miséricordieux
German: Im Namen Allahs, des Allerbarmers, des Barmherzigen
Spanish: En el nombre de Allah, el Misericordioso, el Compasivo
Italian: In nome di Allah , il Compassionevole, il Misericordioso
Swedish: I GUDs namn, Den Barmhärtigaste, Den Nådigaste.
Romanian: În numele lui Dumnezeu cel Milos şi Milostiv
Albanian: Me emrin e All-llahut, Mëshiruesit, Mëshirëbërësit
Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, Montenegrin: U ime Allaha, Milostivog, Samilosnog
Czech: Ve jménu Boha, Milosrdného, Slitovného
Danish: I Allahs den Nådiges den Barmhjertiges navn
Dutch: In de naam van Allah, de Erbarmer, de Meest Barmhartige
Norwegian: In de naam van Allah, de Erbarmer, de Meest Barmhartige
Polish: W Imię Boga Miłosiernego i Litościwego
Portogeese: Em nome de Deus, o Clemente, o Misericordioso
Russian: Во имя Аллаха, Милостивого, Милосердного
Finnish: Ylistys Jumalalle, maailmojen Valtiaalle
Turkish: Rahman ve rahîm olan Allah'ın adıyla
Greek: Στο όνομα του ΑΛΛΑΧ του Παντελεήμονα, του Πολυεύοπλαχνου
Hungarian: Allah, a Felettébb Könyörületes, a Felettébb Irgalmas nevével
Here is the first version:
English: In the name of God, most Gracious, most Compassionate
French: Au nom de Dieu, le Clément, le Miséricordieux
German: Im Namen Allahs, des Allerbarmers, des Barmherzigen
Spanish: En el nombre de Allah, el Misericordioso, el Compasivo
Italian: In nome di Allah , il Compassionevole, il Misericordioso
Swedish: I GUDs namn, Den Barmhärtigaste, Den Nådigaste.
Romanian: În numele lui Dumnezeu cel Milos şi Milostiv
Albanian: Me emrin e All-llahut, Mëshiruesit, Mëshirëbërësit
Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, Montenegrin: U ime Allaha, Milostivog, Samilosnog
Czech: Ve jménu Boha, Milosrdného, Slitovného
Danish: I Allahs den Nådiges den Barmhjertiges navn
Dutch: In de naam van Allah, de Erbarmer, de Meest Barmhartige
Norwegian: In de naam van Allah, de Erbarmer, de Meest Barmhartige
Polish: W Imię Boga Miłosiernego i Litościwego
Portogeese: Em nome de Deus, o Clemente, o Misericordioso
Russian: Во имя Аллаха, Милостивого, Милосердного
Turkish: Rahman ve rahîm olan Allah'ın adıyla
Greek: Στο όνομα του ΑΛΛΑΧ του Παντελεήμονα, του Πολυεύοπλαχνου
Hungarian: Allah, a Felettébb Könyörületes, a Felettébb Irgalmas nevével
Bulgarian: В името на Аллах, Всемилостивия, Милосърдния
Slovak: V mene Boha, Milostivého Milosrdného
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